
"Fashion is knowing what to buy and style is knowing what to do with it"
I quite agree.
We want to buy the right things and we understand that, the right things might cause us some financial strains.
So while we're waiting, let's make do with what we have now.
For some people, fashion is following trends, the best dressed people are the ones who wear the latest fashion items and rock everything in vogue. Their wardrobes change with season (no trend lasts for long).
How about being ageless, and setting trends that not everyone can imitate. Like a personal thing, your thing.
I mean, Who gives credit for the "trend setters"? The ones who dare to be different, and forever classy, and ageless, Blending colours and outfits?
Well, I do.
I dare to be different.
So in my upcoming posts I'll be posting on creating your own style and how you can get the most out of what your wardrobe. This is going to be fun, I'll be collaborating with other ladies(not huge time fashionistas I'm afraid) to experiment and share ideas. I can't wait.

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