Good morning lovelies!
Who's excited? I am because it's the weekend baby. I promise you I'm bouncing on my bed as we speak. Haha.
So today, I'm breaking rules.
I think I'm a fashion rebel, always styling my outfits with the "do-not-pairs".
But a few weeks ago, before the Airtel × Access concert in my school, I could only express my rebel self in subtle, not so pronounced ways, even though my friends might argue that it's obvious. But wait guys, I haven't gone Lady gaga on you yet. So, yes this is subtle.
And so it was with great joy that I planned this casual outfit, when A.O (I G: A.O WORLD) whom I met alongside Vector (the viper, the real vector) while I was interviewing them for The happy people magazine. A.O told me about his style, and called it ;
Feel that?
He promised me he was a pioneer of this unique style. SSD is styling Ankara or African prints with the other.
Fashion is about creating a balance between identifying with my culture, because it is a part of me that I can't shake off, and also identifying with international styles and cultures because Monae is a renaissance woman.Fashion is a message, and can be spoken in different languages and expressed with different cultures. So now I bring my Africanism and my sporty chicness, just because I can't stick to the rules and because A.O world says so!

Like I did Here, styling orange coloured Ankara shorts that i had my tailor make with this very girly grey tee(thanks to eyelashes and lipstick pout), white sneakers and matching Ankara head tie for my hair, also accessorizing  with gold bracelets. I hope its swaggu, and hot and drippin too! I had to strut in these shorts, never mind that I wasn't wearing heels. They are still about my favorite pair of shorts at the moment.
Trust me, this is about to be the new cool.
And don't you forget, you heard it first at Monae's.

Lastly, like my hair? I bet you do, can't deny these babies look great , even on "a dark girl", as some "white Nigerian girl" said to me while admiring them. We know how braids can never stop being a thing, but we don't want to always have the same cliché braids. Hence, we girls tend to bring it back in some different unexplored way. I must admit that I once saw a girl mix colours wine and blue evenly on her braids and it looked gorgeous, even if it might be hard to imagine it. So I said to myself, "my next braids are going to be off the charts". And I added metallic(gold and silver) hair rings, or that's what I call them.
Now many people have been mixing extension colours black and gold/blonde, but I decided to combine colours BLUE and SILVER evenly, for my hair. There it is, you can try it.
Photocredit: AyoFemi Photography

The colours PURPLE and SILVER too are a gorgeous blend, they almost look lavender! I have seen it on my friend Tonia, who was going to do the exact one I have on, but I convinced her to use purple instead of blue, just to see how it would turn out. I can bet she's grateful she let me convince her. Haha.
I hope you're having a great weekend?
Weekend inspiration: The weekend is not a break from the grind, go out today and do something about your dreams. Even the littlest efforts count.
Thank you so much for reading!
And have a great productive weekend.
Love is all I have for you.
Deuces and Kisses,



Omolola snowflakes mod

U Sure know how to write! Keep it up girl. Nice outfit between��

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Lol...SSD, I'll try to rock it if I get the chance. Happy you're getting inspired to continue filling your blog with good articles. Well done. Bee


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